Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Hola amigos..........

Hi Friends (I feel like Mr.Rogers) ....... :)

I just wanted to drop ya'll this quick little note to let you know tonight 3.22.05 from 9:00-9:30 I will be on the radio show "Columbia News Weekly" on WKCR 89.9FM NY, you can hear it live streamed on the internet on www.WKCR.org. We will be discussing "Women in Hip Hop" one of my favorite subjects (refer to essay in "Multimedia" section).

If you miss it don't worry = ), I will be posting the audio soon in the "Multimedia" "Radio" section of the site. Speaking of the "Multimedia" & "News" sections, I should be adding footage and pictures soon of 3 shows I hosted so look out for that BUT please please be very patient with me because I am waiting on others to get that footage (if it were my choice I would post it the next day).

On another note this week is La Semana Santa. I hope that during this Easter holiday everyone takes a chance to reflect on their life. Are you happy or not, and what changes do you need to make in your life to move forward and make your dreams come true. I tend to believe that no matter what your circumstances are right now that you always have something to be thankful for. I recommend to focus on your blessings because that act alone will uplift you! Spring time is coming & it is time to do some "Spring Cleaning"!!! Till next time luvs...........Peace



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