Hey Ya'll
As I write this I am on the good old I-75 leaving beautiful Tampa Bay on my way to my relaxing home base in Orlando, Florida. To be completely honest I have the ITIS like nobody’s business because we just left what has to be one of the BEST southern cafeterias in existence PICADILLY’s. OMG…the food there is NUTS!!
Taking it back a little… my grandfather’s family is from Oklahoma and as a little girl we spent time there and one of the places everyone loves to eat at is Picadilly’s. It is reminiscent of a Golden Corral or other buffets except it is a cafeteria so you literally go down the line with your tray and pick out your food. Salad, fruit, meat, side dishes and desserts (bread too)! The food is sooo cheap (HELLO NYC) it’s like $5.99 for a fried chicken platter that comes with 2 sides like macaroni and cheese and fried okra like I got (I LOVE okra : ). Anyway I am just stuffed like a turkey on Thanksgiving and the peach cobbler did NOT help. Sorry for all the food talk but I LOVE to eat, and with the fast life in NYC I am luck if I get a bite. You have to give credit to the SOUTH because nobody does it like them!!!!
Besides eating we also did another one of my favorite pastimes………….SHOPPING! I actually did pretty well and didn’t bankrupt myself as the potential was there. I have become a smarter shopper and also my closet is already nuts so it has to be something I don’t already have, ya dig? Although the mall does leave a little to be desired I won’t bash you TAMPA, ya’ll are aight.
Busch Gardens was really nice and TONS of fun. We took the 1st bus from the hotel at 10AM to get there early. At this point we are amusement park connoisseurs as we have been to so many; Disneyland, Disney World, Sea World, Six Flags, and now Busch Gardens. They had nice animals like; fat alligators, cute chimps & gorillas, slithery lizards, an amusing anteater, a sweet sloth, and of course the BIG momma lion. She inspired me to let my inner lion ROAR and let my WILD mane go free!
The weekend has been short but I do feel good, rested, filled with great food, sun and family QT. Before I came I debated…. what do I bring? To laptop or NOT to laptop. I decided that even though this was a vacation it isn’t a BIG deal if I did bring it as well as my script. I am not ready to leave these things behind, I am not at a stage in my career where I can, and as long as it didn’t interfere with my QT then what’s the big deal?? So soon I will hop back on the plane and return to my regularly schedule programming of work and rehearsals but I am so happy I took this little commercial break!!!
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