Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Jacqueline from MA "Asks Dominique" about modeling

Q: I am a professional model trying to get more exposure and wanted to know if you had any tips.

A: Hi Jacqueline, It sounds like you are already on a positive track getting your education, especially in Theatre Arts. Your theater background will not only give you valuable experience but also give you an edge on your competition. For exposure on a underground level you can begin by just being involved and "seen" out and about. If you aren't working with an agency you can get gigs by being out and about and letting people know that modeling is what you do, showing interest in what they are doing, expressing your interest in working with them, following up with your contacts & being willing to work for free. It also helps to have pictures, business cards or other materials to give out.

It is a good idea to be in the company of people who are like minded or involved/interested in the same area as yourself. Going to parties, networking events, seminars, and conventions can give you good exposure and help you meet other people who are involved in the same area as you. You not only want to meet the decision-makers but also the people who might know about these gigs like friends/associates or other models.

Also combing the internet for agencies that you can submit to for possible representation or castings can be helpful. The gigs you find on the internet might not always be the quality of work that you seek and you have to use your discretion but sometimes you can find decent work and work leads to other work.

You really have to look at yourself as providing something, a service or good. Seek out the people/companies that are in need of your service and offer your work. This can include so many things from internet, private businesses, print, TV, Film, and all of the little branches underneath these major industries.

(Okay I thought I was done but more ideas just popped up) You seem very ambitious so I am sure that you will find your way. Having faith in yourself will give you determination and continue to give you hope especially when things are difficult.

By studying other model's road to "stardom" the companies they have worked with, etc you can get an idea of what they did. Reaching out to other models and asking advice can also give you good insight.

This is actually kind of a difficult question because there isn't 1 perfect answer to "getting more exposure" as a model. More thoughts will probably come to my mind later so check back for updates on modeling. I will also add some links to help you find out about casting and agencies. Good luck girl........... get 'em!!!!!

Sincerely, Nique : )


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