I should be at home.......

I should be at home considering it is 8:30PM on a Sunday and I am still at my office. This wouldn't be that big of a deal if I just dropped by to check on some things but I will be here tomorrow, I was here yesterday and have been here since 1:30PM when I came in originally to meet with my acting partner. Two rehearsals later (one rehearsal for the short film I am in, another for the scene I am doing on Tuesday 01/31/06) I am still here.... but leaving soon..shhhh!!
Being the neurotic work horse that I am I HAD to finish these projects that have been nagging at me all week. I updated and revised my resumes (why does it look almost the same??), updated my blogs ** CHECK EM OUT.. LOTS OF GOOD NEW INFO***, and did some other personal business. Starting in February everything from January will be archived on the blogs so make sure you ake a peek before then.
There's actually one thing left I have to do but ssshhhoot.. I'm Tyyyyrrrddd....... So I am going to go back home to my burritos, bath, and heating blanket, hehehe (If you don't have one, "Check on It" like Beyonce). Peace!
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