One Down Two more to GO...........

One acting final DONE and two more to go.
Last night we had our final for Speech and I had to recite a monologue. I really liked my monologue and had been working on it for about a month. I will admit that it wasn't as OFFCIAL as it could of been because honestly I have been a little MIA psychologically, spread too thin, so you already know I was cramming at the last minute. Over Thaksgiving I was cramming it, at the airport on Wednesday night after my flight from Newark was delayed 3 times and I found myself in the Budweiser Lounge at 11:30 doing....... you can guess what... drinking Beringer listening to my iRiver Cliz bugging out and reminiscing.
So then this week came around so fast and I was a little on edge because aside from yesterday's final I have my movement final on Monday where we have to perfom a number from Blackbird and then on Wednesday we have our scene final. So the pressure has been high because of course half of the pressure is self-inflicted because you already know I am a COMPETITIVE brat and I want to be the BEST, hahaha.
I will be practicing all weekend like a crazy woman and then next week go out like a G. My scene is one of the weirdest thing I have ever performed which requires even more focus from me which is a battle for me because I am admittedly scatterbrained. I lose interest in things VERY fast, I am always searching for something better, more interesting & HOTTER!
BUT man after next wednesday it is on and CRACKIN'. I am going to ride this holiday season to the wheels FALL off! On Thursday MTV is having their holiday party and if you haven't heard about that you better ask somebody..imagine all of MTV, MTV2, MTVU, VH1, CMT, Spike TV, Comedy Central, Nick all at ONE PARTY!!! Then on Friday I am going to a party being thrown by Athletes for Charity and The NY Giants........ you can see where I am going with this.
Right now I feel like I am on the positive side which was once a very ridiculous chaotic period where I was doing WAY too much all at ONCE and my brain felt like it was already in the next destination before I was phyiscally there. Slowly week by week I have been weeding things OUT, and prioritizing and getting myself into a healthier mind frame so I can relax a little, enjoy the holidays, and get my BUSINESS into order.
I have also been re-connecting with many family & friends from all over; West Coast, Down South, NYC, "Hi", nice to get back in contact with you all, looking forward to hanging out, spending time, laughing and having some fun together : ) Family, glad to be here together working toward our collective goals, missions, and ministries. I went to church last weekend when I was in Florida and it was wonderful. It feels great to have a family, belong, be loved, LOVE, and feel like you are on the right track.
In case you wonder what my motivation is or what the H3$$ I am doing, don't try to figure it out, don't try to judge, classify or lump me in with what else you see out here. My purpose is beyong me & you, I accept that and that what keeps me waking up everyday and continuing. The sooner you accept it, we will get along and really do what needs to be DONE!
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