
Thoughts of...........
.....geez I didn't want this to be a sad or sentimental entry because I feel like all of them are, and I am not expressing my happiness enough. Do I seem crazy to you all? Trick question I know.... Hahaha..forreal Do I always seem sad, serious or sentimental? If I do I am sorry to scare you or make you happy (to the HATERZ) but I am actually really happy and blessed : ) Now on to the news or my thoughts, lol....
R.I.P Aaliyah...I just want to pay my respect and send my condolences to her family. While we happily bounce through our lives you have to imagine the tremendous loss her family and fans suffered and be thankful all of the amazing loved ones you have in your life..tell them you LOVE them TODAY!! See more of Aaliyah here
ABC Special on AIDs....whoa!!! You have to stop and take notice on this. Last week 20/20 had a special on AIDS in Africa and the orphans but this week it was AIDS in BLACK AMERICA... people wake up!! Here are some statistics courtesy of the smart women at LSA:
Blacks are 23% more likely to get AIDS than white people.
#1 cause of death for black women age 25-44 for the past 11 years.
1,000,0000 cases of AIDS in the United States, 1/2 of the cases are black.
40% of black men in prison have had sex with another man.
Condoms are prohibited in prison.
HIV testing is voluntary in prison.
The government will not fund needle exchange programs even though studies show it would prevent the spread of HIV among intraveneous drug users.
1/3 of AIDS cases have come from needle sharing.
Blacks are twice has likely has whites to have mutiple sex partners.
Blacks men are twice as likely as black women to have mutilples sex partners.
In the United States the ratio of black men to black women 85 to 100
Men have less incentive to remain monogomous..Men have more options.
68% of new AIDS cases are black women.
Black church has not none enough in regards to AIDS epidemic.
Black leaders feel the AIDS epidemic is just one of the many battles we're fighting as a community, not necessarily the most important.We celebrate misoginistic behavior masked in rap music.
This info was passed on to me....
Katrina Anniversary......Here is some more info I got from the lovely ladies at LSA. Apparently if you don't claim your land in New Orleans by the end of the month it will be seized by the government. I guess Tom Joyner did a story on it on his radio show and it is crazy to me that people who paid for their land will have it seized if they don't have the resources to get it cleaned up quick!! I am sure there are sides to every story but I don't see any right the government has to take what belongs to another me naive. *sigh*
Here is the info:
I was listening to the Tom Joyner morning show and I heard something that I thought I should share about New Orleans. Apparently, sometime ago, the city council in New Orleans passed an ordinance that states that residents of New Orleans with damaged property who do not attempt to rebuild or gut their property by the one year anniversary of Katrina, the property will be seized and turned over to either the state or city. The gentleman speaking about this was a representative from an organization called ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) and he stated that if people are on a list to have their property gutted, then they will retain ownership of the property, BUT they have to be on the list by August 29, 2006. The website ( has a phone number (800)790-2290. I wasn't able to take the number down while I was listening to the radio, but hopefully, this number will allow people to get that information. Moral of the story... if you know anyone from New Orleans that may be affected by this, please spread the word in order to help them retain their property and to keep the vultures from stealing down there!!!
Let's try to learn and gain perspective people!!! If we are to succeed we MUST!!
Bible quote for today:
Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Sleep on THAT!!
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