A lil sunthin.........

Hello friends & family.........
I am in the midst of a very fierce.........how do I explain???
Well how about you just wait and see : )
I wanted to do a lengthy entry discussing something other than myself for once (sorry if I seem a little self-absorbed, it really isn't my intention, I just try to share with you all but my entries just end up looking very self-EVERYTHING!!).
The bombings in India really disturbed me and then I remember that a couple of weeks ago there was an accident in Valencia, Spain - the city I lived & studied in for a year. In addition there was a guy who blew himself & house up here in NYC so I kind of wanted to comment on that. When the accident happend in Valencia it hit me like a brick but of course I got preoccupied being the mentally challenged individual (break - another idea came, must take notes) my attention span is non-existant, see?? Anyway I just want to give my condolences to the people affected by the Mumbai bombings, accident in Valencia, Spain & mishap in Manhattan.
Zeke de Espana.......ojala que todo este bien : (
tu Dominica........xoxox
P.S. It's 2:02 in the AM and I am at my OFFICE!! It's sick!!! on a Saturday??????? How am I gonna get home tonight??? O.K. let's not think about it..work....work..work!!
Update: okay now's 3:39AM in the morn..no worries I have a town car coming to get me in 10mins...........gotta luv MTV : )
Oh and here's a preview!!
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