It's OVA.........I'm DONE : (
Hi Friends......
Well the Fall Term of AADA is OVER and now........ I feel empty
Okay maybe I am being a TAD over dramatic (I'm an acting student HELLO) but I miss it.........can you believe it?? I complained about how I was soooo ready for it to be over, the classes twice a week till 10PM after 8 hours at work, then the rehearsals on the weekend, the reading the scripts every morning on the subway on the way to work, the reading of the plays every night on the way home on the subway, the practicing my dance routines in my living room mirrors........all OVER *tears*.
It is funny because even before I could get home, before I could even get to the subway from school I already missed it. In my head I thought "what am I going to do now, who am I now if I don't have my work???". I remember how I complained and how tired I was from juggling it all but then the moment I could be free I wasn't ready.... all I could think was WHAT NEXT??
So what is next??? Well I guess this gives me time to reflect on my life, my career, my friends, family & loved ones. Am I fulfilling my purpose here on earth, am I happy, am I being my best, do I need to make some changes (probably YES)?
Not so surprising I am already back on the GRIND, today I had 3 auditions. After that I did some wandering around the FRIGID city and did some window shopping. I had some of the funniest thoughts going through my head but alas, the computer isn't on my hip so I can't share them : ( (Yes I have tried emailing myself notes but that doesn't work).
Here we are.........

Dance Partner Jason Feliciano
The Newlyweds
Movement Instructor Robert Tunstall
Acting Partner Alex

The Guys of AADA Fall 2006
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