Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Freya "Asks Dominique" about writing

Q: I'm a high school student and would like to know what courses I should begin take or books I can read that would help me pursue a career in writing or screenwriting. From what I understand the field is very competitive. Thank you.

A: Hi Freya! First I amazed that a lady at your age is already preparing for your future after college. I think that if everyone was as focused and ambitious as you, we would save ourself from wasting so much time. Anyway back to your question. There are many things you can do to prepare yourself as a writer and just get your creative juices flowing in general. Of course taking writing/english/journalism/theatre courses as well as creative writing courses in school will definitely help you get the practice necessary. You can also try being involved in your school newpaper and theater or plays. Taking a part in the school newspaper will give you valuable practice and experiences as well as clips (your published articles) to have for your portfolio. Being involved in the theatre will not only expose you to the actual written work but give you an idea of how it translates on stage and how to make the two harmonize.

In your time outside of school you can get involved in other community events that are related to mass media such as your local; theatre, cinemas, film festivals, libraries, college journalism/film programs, radio, tv, and news. Although subjects such as radio, news and tv are not screen/film writing directly it will give you good writing experience, practice, exposure because as you may know many times "art mirrors life' or the other way around.

I would also suggest maybe finding a mentor in the area of your interest who can help give you. Mentors are fabulous because they can introduce you to other individuals, programs, schools and great opportunities that you might be interested in. As long as you are out and about being seen and involved you will run into people who are interested in your the subjects and will introduce you to other opportunities. Make sure to stay in contact with the people you meet and actively work to keep the friendship going by sending little thank you/update notes and phone calls.

Keep track and hold on to everything that you do because as you start to build your resume and portfolio every little job matters and will add tremendously to your whole presentation to people. As you said and have probably heard, the industry is VERY competitive BUT you can totally make it!!! I will just take hardwork, persistence and preparation. I was once told that getting your big break is just luck. Luck is "preparation + being at the right place at the right time". Many times you get your break randomly by being at the right place at the right time and knowing the right people. But in the meantime you prepare, prepare, prepare for THAT moment.

Below I am including a link to a site that has books, advice and programs for writers. Visit that site as well as just "google" the subject "screenwriting" "teen writing" and other variations and see what you can find. Go to the library, get the books suggested and always have a book on your for those boring moments on the bus or at lunch or on a sunny Sunday. Read, take notes, learn, review and just constantly keep your mind stimulated. Make sure to keep a notebook with you at ALL times and start to write down and develop your ideas. Maybe even take it a step further and put them into action by producing your own little plays or short movies.

I am also including a link for a program called INROADS that provides paid corporate jobs to highschool students. Good luck girlfriend and keep me updated!!



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