he's just not that into you
Ladies........where are my ladies at???
Although this book - which has been featured on Oprah, USA Today, ABC News - is a New York Times best sellers list mainstay and very popular among the ladies I believe it is for men too! Many of the principles laid out in the easy to follow self-help book are common knowledge that both men and women should use as a guide to dating.
If someone is making excuses of why they cannot call, see or love you THEN...."They're just not THAT into you".
Somewhere along the way we as people neglected to use our good judgement and realize that when someone is not treating us well then they are NOT for us. We as people being more interested in protecting ourselves and love ones from pain and reality, instead make up excuses for why our "love interests" treat us like crap. Now, I am not saying that this is the bible of dating and that they have everything crystal clear but as Liz Tuccillo said when she visited us at 1515 Broadway (NYC) "It's really pretty simple".
There will always be exceptions to the case as well as people who disagree but most of the principles are elementary. NO, I do NOT agree that the man should always ask the woman out or pay for everything. I DO believe things should always be balanced in any relationship, business or romantic.
Liz - one of the co-authors the other is Greg Behrendt - is a ball of energy who most of the cases are based around, sadly. Her introduction and story were very amusing to me and a room full of ladies (can't forget the two guys too!). She answered our questions over pizza as we all worshipped her like the man above. Then we got into a heated discussion over the whole dating game and how misleading it can be. The major gripe from the guys was that they don't want to pretend to be some else to get women, and they don't women to pretend to be someone else to get them. It was agreed that if everyone just "keeps it real" than it would save us all from the time/money wasted, pain, lies, and deception. Another woman suggested that if you don't LOOK for love but just do what makes you happy, then love will find YOU.
In this book Liz tries to guide women through relationships where they were not being valued. By using the book you can recognize whether your man is "the one" or not. BUT she had no answer to life after the man. She said that that could possibly be the next step in the evolution of this phenomenon. But until then she is just as lost as the rest of us!

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