After all the HYPE.........
My LAME behind got sick
Can you believe it??? I had my weekend all worked out, 2 shoots scheduled..........did all my rehearsals and preparations AND thursday night I started to notice a slight sore throat.
Well I pride myself on being healthy so I thought no worries. I'll take some vitamins, airbornes, nyquil, juice..the usual and I'll be GOOD SON!!
NOPE............ I get to the office on Friday and I am feeling okay, and little by little the attack began. First the fever, then the chills and then I slowly felt myself becoming a ZOMBIE... I know I had to look like death.
Being the soldier that I am........I am like "It's cool, only 3 hours left, 2 hours, oh LAWD mercy I GOT to get outta here before I faint". People were looking at me like I was pregnant because I was waddling down the street.......hehehehe.
So sadly I had to call up both of my directors and cancel the shoots..........eeeekkkkkkkk. I felt so bad ya'll
Everyone was so cool about it though. They were all checking on me to make sure I was okay. When I do get sick I accept as a VACATION. Obviously my body needed the rest so I just submit. I guess I was lucky to make it this far in the season without being sick more considering I am around germs all day.
Of course by Sunday the directors are like...........ummm, so do you think you can shoot tomorrow???? For the guys who I shot with last weekend and was supposed to shoot with this Saturday I said "okay" if I feel okay I will come and we can do it Monday evening. I already had a really COOL audition for Monday anyway because I thought I could pull that off BUT adding a shoot on top of that might be OVERKILL.
So feeling like death and further putting the nail in the casket I got up and got all jazzed for the audition and packed my bag for the shoot. Blah, blah , blah I don't wish to relive the torture but I DID IT!! The audition, the shoot.........We Wraped it!!!!...........and I went home and proceeded FALL OUT.......
So now I am here..........and my voice sounds borderline masculine. Not to mention my voice is slightly deep anyway ........ I sound like RuPaul
hahahaha...........woes me........... just an update.
muah!! xxoxoxoxox