Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's a WRAP: Part II

Hey ya'll, what's going on???

Here I am on this computer once again filing in a little report about my weekend.

Last week I was contacted by Anyiis Entertainment http://www.anyiis.com/ regarding a video they were going to shoot this weekend. I apparently had went to one of their casting calls in the past for a different project and they had kept me on file. My first impression what like "what is it?" because people all the time say they have projects but some of those roles are a little SKETCHY, ya know

The role was for a woman who was a psychiatrist by day and a vixen by night. It sounded a little interesting to me but of course I had to hear more about the scenes, the group, and of course the $$$, hahahaha!!!

Romano the amazing producer explained to me that I would have a couple scenes where I was having a "session" with the members of the group as their psychiatrist and then later on I would have some scenes with a "doctor" who is the guy I end up meeting at the club. It sounded kinda of cool to me because I would get the opportunity to not just be in a video but actually play a role. Plus I would be the MAIN chick so you know that made me happy

The group's name is Carimi http://www.myspace.com/carimiareuready and they are a new group from the Caribbean on their way up and they needed a video FAST to accompany their latest single which is getting a lot of attention (the song is called Carimi too but it's not on their myspace yet!). The CRAZY part is that the song is Creole so I don't even understand it But i was given a translated copy and by the lyrics of the song I am indeed the VIXEN they were talking about in the song. It is kinda fun playing a business women at first and then watching my transition into the vixen and how I become a little devious (It's ONLY a character, RELAX!!)

The guys of the group were really cool and so was their manager, the director of video was Sean, the crew, the other male actor who played the "doctor", Romano the producer and EVERYONE was really COOL.

Oh yea. the make-up artist Yuka was OFFICIAL!!

The first day was cool. I had to be there at 8AM on Sunday (OUCH) but I made it happen cause ya'll know I stay on my GRIZZY. The day went by pretty fast although I was there till 5PM but we did about six different set ups. I left that night, went to the grocery store, did laundry and went to BED

Day two I had to be there AGAIN at 8AM but I sucked it up and made it happen. The second day there were WAY more people on set because they had to do the club scenes. It was shot at SOBs here in NYC and many ladies showed up to get their shine on. They didn't need me for most of the day so I just chilled downstairs and tried to take it easy. I was kind of tired from Day I, it was cold as HELL outside, plus the day was moving a lot slower because of all the extras

Finally they called me and my "doctor" friend up and we did our little part and then.........it was a WRAP for me I packed it up and got the up outta there.

I was in the bed by 8PM and here I am back again doing the daytime thing. Thus is life???
Totally Sideways Video......Sorry....hahaha : )
The Set

Au Natural

The Doctor in her Office

The VIXEN on the set

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Here I am............

I have to admit, I am tired as HELL.

It just kind of hit me since I have seen sitting here and now I yearn for my BED : ) In addition I sense a bit of agression in my chest which only means that this internet is getting on my NERVES, lol.

Last week was really a beautiful week. Honestly it was a normal week but there was certain vibe that had me FLOATING (ha, what's new). I'll tell you this... despite the changes in my life and a world where things are constantly MOVING for the good in bad......I had 2 mornings where I was just standing in the HOT shower listening to SADE and getting my zone ON!

Sometimes I listen to Steve Harvey in the morning or Miss Jones but when I am really overly stimulated mentally from all of the DRAMA I am quiet in the morning, no music, no radio, NUTHIN. BUT last week I clearly remember feeling blessed and singing along to SADE's sweet serenade as I prepared for another day in the hustle & bustle of New York City.

It has been crazy cold lately but I have been bundling up EXTRA and always, always, always keeping my mind on fashion : ) It is Fashion Week so the city is just a little extra crazier than usual, plus Valentine's Day is coming soon so you gotta do a litle prep for that, add my normal HUSTLE on top of that and we have the makings for a prescription to the mental hospital, lol!!
Sooooooooo........ instead of going there I simply turn on my music and with my requisite glass of White Zinfandel I float away. Okay, I did a little retail & spa therapy too but its all for a good cause, right??

I do have to admit though that while at the VIEUX FARKA TOURE concert I had this moment where I felt great and THEN a short sadness swept over me........why?? Because........ Anna Nicole Smith Died!! WHAT?? Who is she to me, and why do I care?? Well I don't "care" but anytime a person leaves this earth it is one less spirit on this earth, that is sad yet life........and the thought just popped into my head randomly at that MOMENT.

and.........at the end of the day it is The Mind of MS.Jackson

It is what it is!! Ya know?? Hahahaha............


Urge Nights : Vieux Farka Toure

Vieux Farka Toure (In Center "FIGHT Malaria")

The Band

Joe's Pub - New York City, NY

The Flower Chronicles Part. II

Scroll down to see "The Flower Chronicles Part. I"

Monday, February 05, 2007

It's a WRAP...............

Hi Friends & Family:

Just dropping in to give you a quick update on this past weekend. I don't remember when I last wrote you but this past Saturday I played the character of Ellie Flores, a young Dominican woman who was killed.

I showed up to the set on Saturday at 9AM and from that point on we shot until 9PM (first actress on set, last to leave). It was a really great shoot and the cast and crew were great. My character has some really nice scenes where I was able to show different emotions and sides of her personality.

Of course toward the end I was getting all antsy and a lil cranky/hungry but at the end of the day I am always happy & proud to being doing great work. I can't wait to show the actual short to you. In the meantime I have some photos and a short clip of me behind the scenes. In May the film will debut at the City Visions Film Festival so I will keep you posted.

For the writers, directors, casting directors, producers, please feel free to contact me if you have a project and are interested in me as talent. I can do many different types of work and am always looking to be part of great projects.

Alive Ellie Flores

Dead Ellie Flores

Ellie Flores "Waiting for Someone"

Friday, February 02, 2007

Hi Friends......... : )

How you doin???? (cue Wendy Williams bite)........hahahaha

Hi Friends!! What's poppin???

Me, I'm just sitting here eating a granola bar (bird food, I know). Today is another FREEZING day in NYC : ( Whew.. I been so tired lately (what's new) because my lil body is trying to get over this flu season that keeps going around and around my office.

This weekend I have another shoot for a short film. My character is Ellie Flores and she is a Dominican college senior who falls in love with the Priest at her church (gasp)!! I was just casted last week so I haven't as much time to work on the character as I'd like BUT nevertheless she is in me. Ellie or I, like to write in my diary because it gives me a way to express myself. Soon I will be graduating from college with a degree in communications and I want to be a writer (surprise, surprise). I would like to share a journal entry with you guys because it will help you to learn more about who I am and what I am going through.

Here it is:

For a year I dreamt of him. Before him I was merely a girl wandering through the cold streets of New York City. At red I would stop, and at green I would go but where? Never paying mind to those around me porque yo soy La Reina, pero donde esta mi Rey?? I see mi familia y el amor. Yo quiero ser como ellos, mi mama y papa. Of course I have my writing, I can pour my heart out here but I have nothing to say because I am incomplete. I proceed to take a left on 120th & Lenox but then I hear something, it sounds like bells or heaven, bliss, my calling?? I follow the sound led by a spirit deep within and as I glance up I see a heavenly figure illuminated by a light that only he occupies. Who is that? I know, I know that is my husband.

Love, Ellie

P.S. Thanks for the Tulips : )

I can't tell you more about Ellie or the film because it would ruin the surprise but I can't wait to share the final product with you all!

Lots of kisses......... Dominique