Tuesday, January 16, 2007

After all the HYPE.........

My LAME behind got sick

Can you believe it??? I had my weekend all worked out, 2 shoots scheduled..........did all my rehearsals and preparations AND thursday night I started to notice a slight sore throat.
Well I pride myself on being healthy so I thought no worries. I'll take some vitamins, airbornes, nyquil, juice..the usual and I'll be GOOD SON!!

NOPE............ I get to the office on Friday and I am feeling okay, and little by little the attack began. First the fever, then the chills and then I slowly felt myself becoming a ZOMBIE... I know I had to look like death.

Being the soldier that I am........I am like "It's cool, only 3 hours left, 2 hours, oh LAWD mercy I GOT to get outta here before I faint". People were looking at me like I was pregnant because I was waddling down the street.......hehehehe.

So sadly I had to call up both of my directors and cancel the shoots..........eeeekkkkkkkk. I felt so bad ya'll

Everyone was so cool about it though. They were all checking on me to make sure I was okay. When I do get sick I accept as a VACATION. Obviously my body needed the rest so I just submit. I guess I was lucky to make it this far in the season without being sick more considering I am around germs all day.

Of course by Sunday the directors are like...........ummm, so do you think you can shoot tomorrow???? For the guys who I shot with last weekend and was supposed to shoot with this Saturday I said "okay" if I feel okay I will come and we can do it Monday evening. I already had a really COOL audition for Monday anyway because I thought I could pull that off BUT adding a shoot on top of that might be OVERKILL.

So feeling like death and further putting the nail in the casket I got up and got all jazzed for the audition and packed my bag for the shoot. Blah, blah , blah I don't wish to relive the torture but I DID IT!! The audition, the shoot.........We Wraped it!!!!...........and I went home and proceeded FALL OUT.......

So now I am here..........and my voice sounds borderline masculine. Not to mention my voice is slightly deep anyway ........ I sound like RuPaul

hahahaha...........woes me........... just an update.

muah!! xxoxoxoxox


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back for 2007.......................


I am Backkkk!

I know I already had a couple of entires for this year BUT none of them were my official SIGN-ON......... this it IT.

When I wrote this I wanted to make sure that I had something to say or something honest to share.

Last week and weekend I was already back to work but I wasn't completely here. I was just going through the motions because honestly most of what I do on a regular basis I can do in cruise control. ONLY I don't always want to be in that state because I MISS out on sooo much.

So now that I have gotten settled in, my reality is setting back in.

Last weekend's shoot went very well according to the director. I think it went well also but it really isn't about me, it is about the creator/writer/director making sure he gets what he invisions or needs. It is my job to make sure I DO that. The shoot ended up being shorter than I imagined. I guess my "Hubby" & I really managed to pull of the scenes eventhough we didn't actually meet or work together until shoot day.

That is the difference between Film & Theatre. I am noticing that with Film the time span, and preparations are differently in the sense that you have to prepare on your own and come to set READY. I am getting used to this routine and am happy that I am taking this chance.

I am excited to see how the short turns out, and to work with the director/crew again. They are AMAZING! I think I heard that it might be shown in Union Square here in NYC, on some outdoor screen?? Anwyay as soon as I get a copy of it I will make sure to share because I haven't really been able to share much. Waiting for copies of the work is torture.......

(side note: my new website will have a full video section, WAIT till you see.............hahahahaha)

Anyway this weekend is another 2 shoots. 1) The last scene for last weekend's shoot 2) Part I of a new shoot.

After last weekend I needed a couple days to decompress and do nothing BUT today I will begin to enter the SPACE that I have to go into to get my head where I need to be for this weekend. I always try to start early because you can never be careful. So away I go.......

Mail shout-outs: Vic - thanks for the beautiful card : ), Mr.Byrd - thanks for the nice note!! Cousin Natalie - thanks for the wonderful cards......... muah xoxox!

Mommy & Boo Boo.........Love ya'll.

RIP.......... GW

Friday, January 05, 2007

In case you missed me...................

In case you missed me lurking in the background of MTV's Sucker Free when Nas was on..... here are the clips : )

I am the brown mamacita in the leopard print shirt behind DJ Cipha Sounds.

Nas Part I

Nas Part II

It is crazy how everything is only six degrees apart sometimes, you know? You do things and then somehow you are touched by them again. Sooooo... I saw Nas on MTV way back in December and then for some reason I had a dream about him on Wednesday night. When I woke up Thursday morning he was on my mind (NO, not in a dirty way) and I was left trying to figure out why was he on my mind so much, as I sat in confusion on the train listening to Hip Hop is Dead on my iRiver Clix. Songs like Carry on Tradition....had my brain stimulated....

Sooooo I got into the office and here goes TMZ talking about Tyrese and how he hit his girl. Now if you read my blog frequently you will know that the day I saw Nas on MTV, I also saw............TYRESE!! On my blog I commented on how nice, sweet, and humble he was. Well I don't know what all this means but it sure is small world.. AIN'T IT???

So now as I sit here today I see the video clips for the day I saw Nas have finally been uploaded on the internet and it all comes back to me.. everything at once..that day, them, TV, internet, MUSIC.......2006 & NOW 2007!

Tyrese on TMZ:

Nas & Tyrese on DJ's Blog:


Tu Dominica

P.S. More coming soon........ this is going to be a GREAT month for me Shooting this weekend, next weekend, and on, and on, and on......

(Love you Mommy & Boo Boo)