Happy New Year!!!
Hey Everyone!!!
I hope everyone is happy, healthy, loved, and successful of course. It seems like I haven't written a note in forever but with all of the craziness of the holidays it was good that I stayed away for a while and focused back on work.
And.....working is what I have been doing. Today was actually my first FULL day home without leaving my house since last Sunday and to be honest one day a week to myself isn't enough. One day to catch up on work in between gigs is NOTHING!!!
After my LONG two-week vacation in Florida for the holidays I arrived back in NYC on Monday the 7th. I was very blessed to shoot my first "Under Five" role on "All My Children" on Wednesday the 9th. As you know I have been a "Fusion Intern" on "All My Children" since last April working on the show at least a couple times per month and I was really happy to briefly get a more featured role (and more $$$). The episode already aired BUT if you would like to see me wandering around in "Pine Valley" again you can watch "All My Children” Feb. 11-18, 2008 and you just might see me. Two weeks ago we shot about five episodes in 2 days, which was about 14 hours on set one day and 17 hours the next day. It was really intense but it was cool hanging out with the other "Fusion Interns". I didn't have any lines during these episodes but they should be fun to watch as they feature a Fashion Show Benefit for The American Heart Association.
The following week was pretty intense because I got back on the audition circuit. The days I audition I schedule many on the same day so I can get everything done one day and then have one complete day to myself at home. On Friday I shot an Online/Web Ad for a company called Zodigo. Not only has the web changed the way we live but it also has changed the work and money I have been able to get. I have done three web videos in the last month and the money can be very nice : ) When I get a copy of it I will post it to my YouTube profile but in the meantime you can check out what I have updated lately (still have about 4 more clips to add). Also, allow me to mention that the multimedia section on my website WILL function one day, I just have to find time to upload those videos.
The following week I had a print shoot for a handbag line called Dain H Maschile. I have yet to see those pictures but when I see them I will definitely post them up.
After another one of those crazy audition days where I had like four stacked in a row, my work wasn't done. I had to report to the Pepsi Stuff Launch Party. That day was a 14-hour which has become quite common in my life recently. The party was very fun and even more exciting with a performance by John Legend and appearance by Super Bowl Champs The New York Giants!!!!

Cut to........
Last week I worked in the showroom of Betsey Johnson, J-Lo, and L.A.M.B.
This was also a very LONG and busy week working and then beginning acting classes again (yayyy!!!). But the CRAZIEST thing happened. I go to the showroom on Monday and I modeled shoes for a presentation for the buyers from Macy's West (all the Macy stores on the West Coast). So after that, one of the Merchandisers who I work with asked me when I was leaving the showroom that day. I told her I could stay as long as she liked. She then informed me that Gwen Stefani the co-creator or the L.A.M.B line was in NYC and they were going to meet her that afternoon to show her the Fall 2008 shoe line. At that point I wasn't thinking about it seriously and honestly it didn't hit me that I met her until like 2 days after the fact because I was so focused on my job, modeling. Anyway so at 3:00PM we catch a cab from the showroom to Gwen's hotel with 5 cases of shoes, her shoes (which F.Y.I are FIRE). We were escorted to a conference room where the Merchandiser, Designers and CEO of the shoe company promptly arranged the shoes nicely. I changed into my wardrobe and sat quietly in the corner not sure what to expect. Sure enough, from the hallway you could that distinctive little voice that Gwen has!!!!!! It was pretty crazy but I kind of just focused on my job and not on the fact that all of these influential people were in the room including Andrea Lieberman, celebrity stylist extra-ordinaire. Gwen was very sweet and complimented my crazy curly mane. It was a fun experience and everyone from the shoe company said they were happy with my performance, which makes me happy. As a business my #1 priority is to make sure my client is happy!!!
Well this weekend/week I plan to take a little time to relax and get my business back in order. Through all the madness I somehow managed to hurt my wrist so I really need to get that better.
I also plan to attend church tomorrow at Mother A.M.E. Zion Church in Harlem, NYC where my Fiancé works. Yes, I did say Fiancé. If you happened to miss the memo I got engaged over the holidays so by the end of this year I will be a Married Woman : ) You can expect more info on parties and ceremonies in the future. The details of our engagement are on my Facebook page search "Dominique Jackson".
Much Love,
Dominique Jackson
Facebook as "Dominique Jackson"