R&B Music Issue...
My R&B music issue....
There are definitely some interesting movements in music right now - the mix of electronic sounds, keyboards with fast beats that to me are kind of related..hyphy/crunk/kelis..sorry to clump them all together if you are an aficionado but I am hearing similar sounds in these beats.
The soulful movement, one is a southern soulful movement and one is a soulful throwback movement.... outkast with the south (can't think of the other artist completely lost it, my poor brain) and christina aguilera & miss janelle morae with the soulful throwbacks although janelle can go up top with the electronica on her other songs.
The straight up New York Rap movement.. I am hearing some rap return that is pure RAP/HIP HOP. These are beats with the most classic simplicity yet smooth use of todays drums. The rappers are spittin'..spittin' to save their lives..spittin' to tell their stories..forget all that bling blingy, lambourgini, foolishness. I can't tell you who yet because I am waiting to see if they will come thru and really DO the thang... will you Hef??
To the R&B......
Janelle Morae

Sidebar: Outkast still coming with SOUL..okay -Idlewild??? We shall see.
P.S. Where is Killer Mike??
OOOooweee they have that soulful fire.. http://www.myspace.com/outkast
(make sure to press pause (II) on the video clips so you can enjoy the Idlewild Medley)
Here is the lady of the hour http://www.myspace.com/janellemonae
(Try out Peachtree Blues..like Peachtree in ATL)
Christina Aguilera

GIRL...can you imagine me writing about her?? Not to say that I wouldn't (actually that is what I am saying essentially..hahaha) but she isn't generally on my radar but CHILD you have go to hear her album. If you love music, R&B, Jazz, and just some soulful tunes to bring you back, make you dream, transport you..she is IT!!
You can watch this to get a view
visit "Overdrive" you can find "All Eyes on: Christina Aguilera"
Female Rappers
I am missing females rappers right now. Yesterday crusing the internet I came across a female rapper and she was aight.. it wasn't her talent though that caught my attention. The hole or feeling of loss was felt at that very moment caught me off guard. The hole of not having a female rapper that is heavy rotation for me right now - besides my old chicks, the hole of not having a female that represents me and I can feel - besides my old chicks, the desire of wanting to bop, snap, pop my head and hips to a woman who is really expressing what it is like to be a woman in the new millienium, our struggles, what we are going through, our hustle, our happiness, our love, our romance..just the sheer experience it is to be one of US : )
where are you sharock, lyte, latifah, monie, salt n' pepa, suga-t, mia-x, marvellous, brat, shoot even foxy or kim?? we NEED you NOW!! There is NO better time than NOW!!