One thing I hate

about myself as a blogger is that my entries are very emotional based........ I have to catch that moment when I have it or it is then I am left trying to translate the inner dialog that has already occured....
Last night being the nerd that I am I was watching PBS and a special on Walter Cronkite and I was pretty stirred. In some ways I can see things that might seem interesting to others but has no effect on me but then I see something so regular or weird and it really blows me away. I believe that exposure to the things that I am not around frequently tend to grab my attention and really inspire/intrigue me. I am around the Mass Media & Pop Culture so much that it has no effect on me but the most generic, blue collar things leave me reeling...
Call me naive or a simply a product of media brainwashing but that special on good ol' Walt was the TRUTH. More than anything I think I was blown away by seeing the famous footage of JFK getting shot and seeing the blood squirt everywhere, and then Jackie O's reaction. Then seeing the footage of Walt in Vietnam was crazy to me, and how it affected him, the Vietnamese and the American people at that time. When the footage of Watergate and later the Democratic convention came on and I saw all the stupid shenanegans of the U.S. Governmemt I was pretty much glued to the TV in disbelief.
How many times do we have to continue living thru the same scenarios when we know the outcome and should have learned from the past? Past mistakes or experiences are meant to be lessons so we don't do the same thing yet 30 years later we are going through similar situations in the world today.
More and more I realize the things that intrigue me about this and everything else I see that leaves an impression on me is "the human condition". As an acting sutdent what we do is study and present "the human condition" and seeing people as well as experiencing the same emotions is something that never leaves you.
In lighter news I will be taking part in a nice photo shoot this weekend..jazz themed, great photog, great stylist, great makeup & hair...we shall see. I will be SADE!!
Also I met with the Chair of my acting program and finally got my grades from the Spring term. I did pretty well, a B+ in vocal production (need more work on breathing), a B in acting, a C+ in speech (need extra help). It was really nice meeting with Janice because she talked to me about my strengths and weaknesses and recommended that I work with a speech therapist aside from class. Now if you know me you might think my speech is fine but I actually do have a slight speech impediment that is kind of unnoticeable. As far as getting roles to make myself more marketable I need to work on it because it kind of downgrades my situation.
I also need to work on my movement outside of class. Class is actually on hiatus now so I have been using this time to do auditions but instead I should use this time to work with a speech coach and taking more movement classes. I am looking into Black Nexxus and kind of excited to work at Susan's studio because I have heard many great thngs about her. Instead of taking acting...vocal production...movement...These things need to melt together into me and become one discipline instead of each thing separately, thus the extra studying is much needed!!
Instead of going to these 2nd rate auditions I should keep studying so I can go to 1st rate auditions and in the mean time I will study and maybe relax a little bit???
Some food will be on my agenda for the next month until I enter my last term in September of my 1st year. Can you believe I have almost completed the 1st year of my program...?? Next year will be all productions : )
F.Y.I..........catch me in the streets @ .......boxing @ chelsea piers...........the hamptons......wimen event........vh1 kelis.......central park in the park.....maybe seattle??