Okay so acting classes are officially over booo hooo ..... BUT never FEAR........it's
HOLIDAY PARTY SEASON... that means PLENTY of parties to keep you busy until the birth of Christ comes!!!! Yayyyy : )
Last Thursday, 2 days ago to be exact was the holiday party for my daytime job,
MTV Networks. This party is thrown by the good folks at Viacom to keep all of us spolied MTV, MTV2, MTVu, VH1, Comedy Central, Spike TV, Nickelodeon, Logo, Tempo, MTV Tr3s, etc. employees not disgruntled as the New Year gets close and we begin to get contemplative about whether we TRULY want to be there another year.
So MTV rents out the
Hammerstein Ballroom on 34th & 8th Avenue here in Manhattan, New York City. This place is literally what it is called a HUGE ballroom with balconies on both sides and the center. As soon as you enter the venue you are ushered to the coat check downstairs because you wouldn't want to lug that around as you get your GROOVE on.
I decided to take a makeup break to put my face on because I don't wear makeup in my daily life, plus after a little sippy sip makeup can make all the difference. I don't really get too crazy at these parties because the ONE black girl will ALWAYS be remembered and called OUT if she acts up. Wouldn't want that to be me .
So next we have to be very calculating how we go about this. I figured bebida first before the bar got crazy. These parties get sooo packed and I am NOT the waiting in line forever type. Geez I didn't even know what to order BUT we can always refer back to our good friend Alize since they didn't have my grown folks White Zinfandel.
FOOD!!! I had a late lunch of sweet potatoes and baked breaded fish (gotta get my Omega Oils) but I am ALWAYS open for free food. I got some chicken, mashed potatoes, and some CORNBREAD but when I looked over my shoulder I saw someone with sushi........... what the blood clot, who's hiding the sushi????
The exploration began and I soon found an asian table with sushi, dumplings, shumai, with all the respective wasabi & ginger condiments THEN it was off to the greek table where they had all that greek stuff.....hahahaha, okay I'm wrong, they had pitas, hummus, flank beef, spanakopita (sp?, why do I still feel wrong)....LASTLY there was the italian table... crab cakes, pizza, bread, dried fruit/meats & OLIVES......yum!! I fixed my plate first so I wouldn't have to go back, at this point I am ready to party cause the dance floor is already CRUNK at 8:00PM. The DJ was GOOD!
I go to the side balcony, stuff my face REALLY FAST and chat with my people from TEMPO (hey ya'll). After eating I did a quick tour around the floor to see who else was there... my old folks from VH1......then I went upstairs and saw my URGE folks. This year we had 2 newbies in our dept. who had never been so it was going to be funny what their take on it would be since they came from the stuffy financial world (sorry financial people, I love you, no offense really, I am sure ya'll get down too!!).
FYI..........my bosses were also there eeeekkkk, I had to be vurrry careful wouldn't want them to see me on my gangster lean..hahahah, I kid, I kid!
I went back downstairs and oh MERCY I ran into my DAWG Lasana who works with me at URGE. After that it was a WRAP. We commenced to work our way around the dance floor taking lots of pictures and dancing our behinds off.
Towards the end of the night (I was there till the lights came on, hahah..how CORNY is that?? I musta needed it, CHILD I was gettin' my groove ON!). I somehow found my way into the
LIMBO contest!!! I don't even know how I got involved but I do remember coming around the corner and seeing it and thinking "they don't want NONE!". I am one, limber, flexible, petite chick who takes movement or exercises atleast once a week for as long as I can remember PLUS I used to do limbo all the time with fans when I did street team for the radio stations, we would play games to entertain the crowd.
Soooooo........in my slightly festive mindframe I got sucked into the line (what happend to not acting a fool at the holiday party??, guess I forgot the MOST IMPORTANT rule, ). Okay so as I was saying we stared playing, being the competitor that I am I was thinking "I am going to SMOKE these chicks" but in the back of my head I was preparing myself for the fact that I might not win, don't want to throw a fit and cause more of a scene do we??
LET ME TELL YOU.............
I WON!!!! I WON!! Hahahah..........can you believe that sillyness?? How in the hell did I WIN the MTV Networks LIMBO CONTEST and furthermore why is my CORNY behind PROUD . Needless to say it was probably a very funny scene if you can imagine all of us grown folks playing limbo at the holiday party, and really actually getting BUSY.
After that all I remember is being swept off my feet by a mystery man and I proceeded to take my
VICTORY DANCE ...hahahaha (I can't stop laughing, I'm so sorry, this is all really funny to me). So still in the euphoria from my victory I proceeded to dance with some mystery guy that somehow managed to snatch me up (all a little foggy here). You know how at the end of the night they play the old school joints? Well we were GETTIN IT to my cousin Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie. I DO remember him twirling me and I was like a little girl relishing the moment like a moment I haven't felt for a whille. I was putting ALL those dancing moves from acting class to use and LORD MERCY.... it was WONDERFUL!!
The lights come on........ the fantasy is over........retrieve coat from coat check....... "I am the only one still left here??"........lincoln town car.............headphones on my way back to BX...........CRAP it's 4AM and I have work tomorrow
P.S. Thank you
mystery man for transporting me away for a brief moment : )
Sway of MTV News
Mike Britt of Best Week Ever
Miss Lasana Smith
The Ladies of MTV Digital Media
The Crowd